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Inspiration for the Day

Happiness is. . . waking up and finding ladybugs walking all over you

By 04/16/2009January 26th, 201723 Comments

When I was a little girl, I used to run around in the fields all day, trying unsuccessfully to catch ladybugs.  Finally I would get tired and lay down for a nap. When I awoke, I’d find ladybugs walking all over me.”  Under the Tuscan Sun

The lesson was clear, sometimes you have to slow down, be patient and let happiness come to you.

Related posts:
Happiness is. . . being Remarkable

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  • colleen buker says:

    Hi Maria,
    I was so sorry to hear you have lost two close inspirational people in such quick succession… the same happened to me last fall with my two best friends, both passing away from cancer one month from each other.

    “Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration. The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation”

    This inspirational moment came to me from taking the time to read the back of the card one day…. You never know what you will discover in those time out moments…lady bugs, hummingbirds, flowers or an amazing sunset out your window!
    Thank you for placing my spring pic’s on your Easter Blog…I was so thrilled they were there for you!

  • DesignTies says:

    Funny you posted this the same day I posted my “What’s your happy??” post 🙂

    That’s a very cool picture — it looks like a great big ladybug party!! 🙂

    Any idea what a male ladybug is called….??


  • Awesome Sara says:

    that lesson, the lady bugs, was really nice. normally thoughts like that make me hurl but i really like that. lady bugs rocks!!!

  • Ivy Lane says:

    LOVE this!!!

  • Fifi Flowers says:

    Ladybugs come to my bedroom every year… hundreds of them.. I have no idea how they get it… but they lay eggs and I find tiny babies all over… get ladybug photo!

  • Brillante Home Decor says:

    Fifi…I know you like virtual experiences, so I hope what you said is virtual…
    Maria, you need cheerful ladybugs (not so many as Fifi), flowers, rainbows, friends to go through this sad time in your life.
    I am thinking of you!

  • Pen Pen says:

    Love the movie, love the quote!

  • Michelle says:

    Ilove that movie so much!

    I was walking down the straat in Amsterdam, when I looked down on my arm to see a ladybug, but more than the ladybug, I was standing right on a plaque on the sidewalk with a lady bug emblem on it…there were no more pavers like that around…still don’t know what to think of it.

    Hope you are recovering from your weekend…very sorry to hear about your loss.


  • Kelee Katillac says:

    Hi Beautiful Maria and Friends!

    Such a lovely post for a Friday morning. You are soooo
    right….we have to slow down…be present for the wonder of each day. in Eckhart Tolle’s book
    The Power of Now he gives thoughts on how to develop this ability to live in the moment. That book has richly helped me to play more and watch for everyday miracles— Like your blog!!!!!!!!


  • Ruth Voss says:

    Maria: Annika (my ladybug) and I loved your post today.

    I miss you. Was with Virginia yesterday and you came up. We need to have some laughs together!

    Ladybugs and Happiness – what could be better!

    xo ruth

  • Renae says:

    I hope you have a very happy ladybug weekend!

  • Patricia Gray says:

    I absolutely love that quote from under the Tuscan Sun, but alas it is one of the hardest yet also the easiest things to do. Great Picture!!!
    Happy Ladybug Weekend to you.

  • Unique Unique Design says:

    Maria, am sorry to hear about your recent losses, but am thankful you had the opportunity to be touched by your friend and your uncle’s lives.
    Hope you had a great conference, and look forward to reading all the great things you’ll post.

  • s. says:

    And, I’m sure the ladybugs thought They had caught Her! : )

  • DesignTies says:

    What a lovely post, Maria!

  • Lisa says:

    It's been a little while since i stopped by. Actually i saw your ladybugs the other day and quickly borrowed them to help my daughter out of a real "low". You see, she loves ladybugs and has always believed that they bring happiness & sometimes luck. Your ladybug picture brought hope to my sad one.
    Thanks for posting and know that you also helped this mom along also.
    Sorry to hear of your losses Maria. I truly hope you are feeling stronger and stronger as the days go by.
    Good to visit with you again.

  • Lauren says:

    very true words.

  • Lisa says:

    Thanks so much for your nice comments. Always great to hear from you. Also….thank you from the bottom of my little bloggy heart for saving me a seat at Colour me Happy. You are the best!

  • vicki archer says:

    Loved the ladybug story – how true, xv.

  • qerat says:

    Love the qoute
    Love the movie
    and love the photo
    in short Love the post.
    You are right, so is Patricia, sometimes it is hard to just sit and wait for happiness to find you.
    It is amazing you are posting this. The other day I was with my 5 year old nephew in the garden LOOKING for a ladybug since for some reason there aren’t many around anymore, I hope they are not becoming extinct!! When we were just about to give up we found 1, just one. Seeing how happy he was to see it made my day.
    I will take your post as my message for today 🙂

  • A "cheery" disposition says:

    such a wonderful quote, and movie! Your blog is wonderful too.

  • Upstatemomof3 says:

    That is awesome!! I love it!! yes, relax, calm down and let the happiness come – simple and beautiful.

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