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Are you Vain?

By 10/26/2009January 26th, 201723 Comments

The only cure for vanity is laughter, and the only fault that is laughable is vanity. ~Henri Bergson Are you vain? If you are, would you admit it? Is it a bad thing? A certain amount of vanity is a good thing in my opinion and I can be vain at times for sure. So since this post is about vanites I thought I’d include this quote!

Sex & the City Movie, Sarah Jessica Parker’s Apartment

Since space and storage are at such a premium in many bedrooms, there usually isn’t enough room to have a vanity as well! If you have the space though, they are a beautiful and feminine addition the bedroom!

Both (above) photos are part of the Hollywood glam trend, still a hot look with mirrored dressers and tables for sale everywhere! Here this simple vanity is right at home in this luxurious bedroom with the faux fur rug and fabric tufted walls.
Here’s a smaller one (above) if you are short on space! (Image source) This one is almost not much bigger than an end table.
If you prefer a contemporary look (above), here is one. Image source
Even more luxurious is a bathroom big enough for a vanity!

The reason for this post today was I fell in love with a vanity I saw at Pier 1 on Friday! I would love to have a client’s bedroom to install it in, I love the curvy lines and the chair with the low back is just adorable.

Here’s the mirror and as it says in the copy ‘A vanity without a mirror is just a table’.

If you have the space, it’s a great price!
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  • Vitania says:

    "You're so vain. You probably think this post is about you .. don't you?"

    hee hee – I would be more vain if I had either vanity from the 2nd or 3d photo..

    now i cant get that song out of my head..

  • Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    When we wound up with enough room in our closet/sitting room, the first thing I got was a vanity. I had wanted one for years and I love having it.

  • DesignTies says:

    Great curvy lines on the Pier 1 chair and vanity. But I have to say, that second Hollywood glam one is my favourite!!

    Thanks for letting us know our blog loads faster for you now. Sometimes function wins out over looks!! 😉


  • Chic Coles (Cole Design) says:

    These are stunning vanities! I love the one in Sex and the City but I would take any of these to put make up on!

  • Marlo says:

    What a coincidence! I've been looking for a vanity and didn't think to look at Pier 1. Looks like they have a mirrored one too-not sure what it looks like in person.

    I love second vanity with the X legs. If anyone knows where I can get it please let me know. A mirrored vanity would suit my bedroom perfectly.

  • Tracy @ Comfort and Luxury says:

    Put it this way: I'm vain enough to color my hair, take good care of my skin and pay attention to fashion trends but I'm not vain enough to own a vanity. Because even if I had the time to sit there making myself beautiful, I'd rather be doing something (anything) else! That said, I do think vanities are pretty to look at… in someone else's house.

  • Soma Pradhan says:

    I adore vanities! I am a proud owner of 2. I use one as a desk, and from time to time, I flip it open and look at myself… It's a great place to give yourself a pep talk! lol!

  • Eliana TomĂĄs says:

    Well, yes! I am vain. And thanks god I am vain. It's healthy to be vain. Vain is synonymous to taking care of ourselves and giving that precious and beautiful time to ourselves.
    My vanity table is very eclectic, but i love it. It's a mix of industrial with english country side!
    Like everything in life, vain is like ambition or tolerance or laziness or anything else part of our lives… if we have the right amount of it, it's healthy. balance is the key for everything!

    btw, i love carry's vanity table, although it lacks of practicality.

  • Design Esquire says:

    I would love a vanity! I love all the images you chose.

  • Tammy@InStitches says:

    Well, maybe just a little…… I love the mirrored pieces, so pretty. You know Maria, you could get the vanity for your bedroom. 😉

  • Maria Killam says:

    Hi Tammy,
    Alas my bedroom is definitely too small for a vanity 🙂
    I need the dresser space more!

  • Ruthie's Renewed Treasures says:

    Curvy vanity is beautiful. I'm putting together a master bedroom for a client and might have to take this one into consideration. Thanks Maria!

  • Donna @ dh designs says:

    They are all beautiful! I used to have one when I was a little girl and I miss it! I was just saying to hubby that I'd like to convert an old sewing machine base I have to a vanity. He's scouting out marble tops for me. I guess that makes me vain – and well – I'm OK with that!

    Thanks for the lovely images.

  • Between you, me and the Fencepost says:

    There are so many times I want a cozy chair and mirror when I'm getting ready! Instead I stand in front of the bathroom mirror hurrying my morning routine instead of lounging on a chair, coffee in hand, contemplating what lipstick to put on . . .

  • Carol Ann says:

    I have had a few different vanities over the years, my dad made me one when I was little, with a beautiful shirt and a great mirror…in my first apt I used a antique sewing machine cabinet and put a makeup mirror on it with a light…so cool…
    no room for one in our current bedroom…I love the mirrored one in this post…about vain…I'm not sure, a bit doesn't hurt…lol

  • Lisa says:

    Thanks Vitania!!! Now I'm singing that song!!! Honestly, I just wish I had the time to actually SIT DOWN & put my makeup on. A girl can dream….

  • Cote de Texas says:

    love this and i can't stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore – too old!

  • Sarah Klassen says:

    Lovely — I've always wanted one! Growing up, my Grandparents had a very grand Victorian home, and in one of the bedrooms, there was a gorgeous vanity…I used to want to play dress-up there…

    I love Carrie's 🙂

  • Lauren says:

    i would love one!!

    i had a wicker corner vanity & stool as a little girl that I just ADORED!!! my mom and I won it at an antique auction. I bought so much good perfume with my allowance because I thought the bottles looked so pretty on my vanity, haha. I was so careful with how much I used that I still have almost all of it & am glad because now I'm stocked up!!! (It's all crabtree & evelyn which i still love)

    i loved seeing this collection & i would say that every once in a while I feel vain.. I don't think I've felt vain in MONTHS (7+ to be exact) and cannot wait for the day to come when i feel just a little vanity. hahah is that wrong??? 😉


  • Candace says:

    I signed up for your newsletter, but your link was broken and your special report/go to colors link was broken as well.
    Thank you,

  • Maria Killam says:

    Candace, pls email me and I will send it to you , that happens sometimes.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Maria,
    We are redocorating my teenage daughter's room. I bought her a queen size panel bed in dark brown and she through me for a loop when she chose the Restoration Italian linen in Blush (with a brown border). she would always talked about blue but fell in love with the light pink/brown combo. I'm not sure what colour to paint her walls and what about curtains? I don't want to overdue the pink. Any suggestions for the colour for the walls and curtains?

  • Maria Killam says:

    Hi Anonymous,
    Without seeing the duvet, I can't chose a pink but that's what I would recommend. Take it into a paint store and ask for help there.
    Brown drapery or perhaps white would be nice.

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